ANTAGONIA by tHERAPY Recycle and Exorcise

Post-punk aesthetics meet sustainable practices in a fusion of creativity and consciousness.

The term “antagonism,” rooted in Greek origins, embodies the concept of struggling against something, with “anti-” denoting opposition, “agon” representing conflict, and “-ia” indicating quality.

By transforming conventional garments associated with productivity and functionality, which often reinforce stereotypes of a linear-patriarchal structure and a world in fragments (such as male tailoring suits and ties), @therapy_berlin reshape their form to envision alternative realms – ones that are regenerative and independent of consumerism or the dominance of a single gender or species over others.

This collection is defined by the deconstruction of garments into modular units, creatively joined together through lacing and ties. Drawing inspiration from the natural world, these morphologies engage in a visual dialogue with the artificial materials they are crafted from, forging a compelling contrast.

Diverse materials, both structurally and symbolically, are juxtaposed to merge opposing worlds, challenging conventional representations and questioning established norms of power dynamics, abundance versus scarcity, gender roles, and the interconnectedness of nature and humanity. A recurring theme in their endeavors remains the tension between consumer culture and the boundaries of our planet.

Incomplete forms, asymmetrical shapes, and a blend of geometric and organic elements weave a visual narrative that challenges traditional fashion paradigms, prompting a reconsideration of our relationship with clothing. Through conflicting styles, textures, and shapes, the designs embrace the complex and contradictory essence of human existence.

The collection embodies a harmonious discord, encapsulating conflicting energies within each piece. By depicting the tension between opposing forces, we aim to spark meaningful reflection, foster dialogue, and advocate for a harmonious coexistence and balance.

Embedded within their ethos at tHERAPY is a commitment to ethical practices. All materials utilized in their collections, as has been their practice from the outset, are sourced entirely from discards within the textile and leather industries, as well as second-hand garments. Through conscientious design, the brand not only minimize waste but also endeavor to reuse discarded materials, emphasizing the importance of sustainability and circular fashion practices.

Furthermore, at the core of their work lies the principle of inclusivity and diversity, celebrating a range of body types, genders, and skin tones. Their mission asserts that a fashion industry aligned with creativity, diversity, and environmental well-being is not only viable but already exists – flourishing within the sphere of independent creatives, conscientious designers, and small brands committed to sustainable and mindful practices.

Photography: Terry Whitaker

Make-up + hair: Caro Lazo

Talents: Victoria Momeño + Harpy Fatale

Follow @therapy_berlin HERE

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