Delving into the enigmatic realms of space and time, H77R77 boldly embodies a rebellious spirit towards life, crafting a unique design language rooted in unbridled curiosity and a relentless pursuit of authenticity. This distinctive approach purifies suppressed desires and fantasies, transforming them into tangible expressions that resonate with profound meaning.

For H77R77, jewelry transcends its customary role as a mere embellishment, evolving into a conduit for initiating thought-provoking discussions and spinning poetic tales that seamlessly entwine with the skin and fabrics they bedeck. The brand purposefully preserves the tangible imprints of the metal crafting process, akin to capturing the transient instant when amber encases an insect, capturing the raw splendor and keenness that unpredictably burst forth amidst the fluidity of creation.

Striking a harmonious balance between toughness and fragility, grandeur and evasiveness, smoothness and intricacy, H77R77 delves into the heart of the collision between sensitivity and delicateness with a defiantly autonomous stance, touching upon the vulnerabilities inherent in the human experience. Like a mirror reflecting shadows within the abyss, H77R77 finds its roots nestled in the enigmatic subtleties of life, beckoning individuals to navigate the complexities of their personal truths. Join our exclusive conversation for KREEP. Magazine:

What inspired the rebellious attitude and design language behind the creation of H77R77?

The birth of H77R77 stems from our dissatisfaction with the status quo. Mainstream jewelry on the market tends to be delicate and often mass-produced on assembly lines. While this production model may align with market dynamics, it contradicts our understanding of beauty. We grew weary of the stereotype that associates jewelry solely with exquisite and precious materials. Deep within us, there’s a yearning for uniqueness and a pursuit of distinctive aesthetics. We began to question whether there were others like us who appreciated the traces left behind on metals during the crafting process. This restless contemplation became the genesis of H77R77’s rebellious attitude and distinctive design language.

How does H77R77 view jewelry as more than just a fashion accessory but as a means of initiating a dialogue or poetry?

H77R77’s ambition goes beyond conventional notions of jewelry as mere accessories for daily wear. Instead, we aspire to push the boundaries of what jewelry can represent. Recognizing that jewelry possesses its own unique design language and aesthetic realm, H77R77 delves into the very essence of jewelry itself. We view jewelry as a medium for storytelling, a means to evoke emotional resonance and connect with others on a deeper level. Our inspiration transcends traditional forms, drawing from the subtle intricacies of life and the myriad perspectives it offers. Through our creations, we seek to uncover and convey these profound sentiments, infusing jewelry with a poetic sensibility that speaks volumes in its simplicity and timelessness.

Can you elaborate on the concept of simplicity and authenticity that H77R77 seeks to embody in its designs?

The Open All collection by H77R77 embodies the succinct and authentic design philosophy we aim to convey. This series delves into the dual relationship between keys and locks, stemming from our imaginings and musings about keys. When the lock is hidden, the key becomes a connection between illusion and reality. When its role and function are blurred with the change of the key itself, the unknown completes the imagination. The curiosity and conjecture behind the key accumulate and expand, and when it is on the verge of some critical point, the key and the fantasy behind it collage a disorderly and ambiguous space. We maintain restraint in our design language, seeking expressions that are both finite in words yet infinite in meaning, avoiding the accumulation of ideas. Vintage keys are chosen as one of the raw materials, colliding with other metals. The moment the key touches the skin, everything becomes tangible and real.

How does H77R77 incorporate the traces of the metal crafting process into its jewelry pieces?

H77R77 incorporates the traces of metal craftsmanship into its jewelry pieces through various methods. We believe that these traces are not merely accidents during the crafting process but symbols of the pieces’ uniqueness and vitality. Firstly, we prioritize handcrafting, respecting the characteristics of metals and preserving their natural textures and patterns during production. Secondly, we employ special metalworking techniques such as hammering, engraving, and oxidation to accentuate the metal’s texture and the traces of time it carries. Lastly, during the design phase, we intentionally retain some flaws and irregularities, allowing them to become part of the piece and adding character and uniqueness to the jewelry. Through these methods, H77R77 successfully integrates the traces of metal craftsmanship into its jewelry pieces, imbuing them with a more vivid and authentic quality.

What is the significance behind the mix of delicacy, roughness, splendor + elusiveness in H77R77’s creations?

In the creative process of H77R77, the contrast between roughness and juxtaposition, splendor and elusiveness carries profound significance. Firstly, the contrast between roughness and delicacy presents a redefinition of beauty. Traditionally, jewelry has often been seen as a symbol of delicacy and grandeur. However, in H77R77’s design, we equally emphasize the importance of rough elements. This contrast highlights our appreciation for the diversity and inclusivity of beauty, showcasing a departure from traditional aesthetic norms.

Secondly, the contrast between splendor and elusiveness reflects our exploration of life and human nature. Amidst life’s complexity and unpredictability, splendorous appearances often mask inner complexities and depths. Meanwhile, the elusive nature hints at the myriad pursuits and struggles within the human psyche. This contrast serves as a reminder that jewelry is not merely external adornment but also a reflection of internal emotions and the human soul.

Therefore, in the creative realm of H77R77, the contrast between roughness and juxtaposition, splendor and elusiveness not only signifies a redefinition of beauty but also encapsulates profound reflections on life and the human experience.

How does H77R77 navigate the balance between sleekness and intricacy in its designs?

The design of H77R77 is often inspired by a certain emotion, an energy awakened from the depths of the heart. This expression is often a smooth outpouring, tinged with instinctual judgment, resulting in sleekness in design language. However, this is only the starting point of creating a piece. Once the inspiration is ignited, thoughts will delve deeper, revealing complexity.

While retaining the fluidity of its initial inspiration, H77R77 pursues a more comprehensive and complex expression through the depth of its reflection. The meaning of the emotion gradually deepens, and the emotions expressed in the design become richer and more colorful. This design process, which combines intuition and profound reflection, endows our pieces with unique charm and depth, serving as a significant manifestation of our design philosophy.

Can you explain the idea of H77R77 capturing the collision between sensibility and fragility, touching on cracks with an independent stance, within the brand’s philosophy and aesthetic?

H77R77 tends to draw inspiration from emotional commonalities, which undoubtedly scrutinize the sensual world. Yet these emotional commonalities are often fragile and beautiful. Observations from a sensual perspective amplify and solidify subjective feelings in jewelry. Maintaining independent thinking and not blindly following any position is the attitude that H77R77 wants to label. In the collision of viewpoints and opinions, the cracks of positions are the power of thinking and the theme that H77R77 wants to express.

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